Saturday, August 18, 2012

Orienteering Brighton Ski Area - 2012 Foster's

Are you looking for a different kind of running event, perhaps something that will challenge not only your speed and endurance but also your brain? Then ORIENTEERING is for you!

August 1811am-1 pmBrighton

Hiking and Orienteering!

Kids at the one of the Control Points

Reading the Map

Kids learned how to read the map!


Kaitlyn's Shadow!  Love the Flowers Kaitlyn!
We saw a moose on the drive back! She even had a Baby Moose with her.  Amazing View!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Timpanogos Cave Hike 2012 Foster's

We had a great time at the Timpanogos Hike 2012.  The Cave was awesome!  and I'll never forget to "Cover Your eyes beware of the Chipmunk's Cuteness!"  Thanks for the Fun Everyone!