Saturday, August 18, 2012

Orienteering Brighton Ski Area - 2012 Foster's

Are you looking for a different kind of running event, perhaps something that will challenge not only your speed and endurance but also your brain? Then ORIENTEERING is for you!

August 1811am-1 pmBrighton

Hiking and Orienteering!

Kids at the one of the Control Points

Reading the Map

Kids learned how to read the map!


Kaitlyn's Shadow!  Love the Flowers Kaitlyn!
We saw a moose on the drive back! She even had a Baby Moose with her.  Amazing View!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Timpanogos Cave Hike 2012 Foster's

We had a great time at the Timpanogos Hike 2012.  The Cave was awesome!  and I'll never forget to "Cover Your eyes beware of the Chipmunk's Cuteness!"  Thanks for the Fun Everyone!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hike- Lower Bells Canyon Reservoir - Foster Family


We had a great time exploring, climbing and hiking with the group.  It was fun to meet new families and connect with old friends and neighbors from Wyoming!

Tucked away in the foothills of Lone Peak is the Lower Bell Canyon Reservoir, and the Sandy City Bell Canyon Nature Park. This beautiful spot offers hikers and fisherman a secluded place to visit, close to home. Sandy City purchased 220 acres surrounding Lower Bell Canyon Reservoir to protect the watershed in this area and to create a nature park in the area. The nature park provides two trailheads to hike into the area, a public fishery at Lower Bell Canyon Reservoir, and trail access into the Lone Peak Wilderness Area via the Bell Canyon Trail. 

The kids loved the water and played on the rocks!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Venus Transit - Foster Family

We had an amazing time at the Venus Transit at the Natural History Museum of Utah.  Below are our pictures.